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发布时间:2020-01-03 16:41:32

Laba Festival, commonly known as Laba, falls on the 8th of lunar December. The custom of this day is to eat "Laba porridge" and to make Laba garlic for Lunar New Yew’s Eve dinner. In the cold winter, getting together with your family and having warm Laba porridge is really a nice experience.


After the day of Laba is Chinese Traditional New Year

Asia Hotel elaborately launches 6 packages of New Year’s Eve dinner

Let you have a nice gathering with your family

Talking about the whole year’s life and spend a happy New Year’s Eve.



Cantonese Meal Packages

For 4-6 people, original price RMB2919, current price RMB1980

4 kinds of cold dishes

Stewed black bone chicken soup with American ginseng

Baked deep-sea prawn with garlic (eight)

Beef fillet in Thai style

Crispy Long Gang chicken

Sizzling fresh prawn with eggplant

Stewed assorted seafood

Steamed mandarin fish

Fried Cantonese cabbage heart

2 kinds of Chinese dim sum

Fruit plate


For 6-8 people, original price RMB3864, current price RMB2888

6 kinds of cold dishes

Old duck soup with Angular Solomon's seal

Baked deep-sea prawn with cheese (eight)

Sizzling beef short ribs

Braised Cantonese goose

Crispy Long Gang chicken

Deep-fried ribs with minced garlic and crispy milk

Steamed assorted seafood

Thick grouper soup with Sichuan pepper

Plain-fried seasonal vegetable

2 kinds of Chinese dim sum

Fruit plate


For 8-10 people, original price RMB8147, current price RMB5688

8 kinds of cold dishes

Australia lobster sashimi

Sea cucumber soup with mushroom

Fried snowflake beef with garlic

Shenjing braised Cantonese goose

Thick shrimp soup with oatmeal

Asia roast dusk

Baked Qing Yuan chicken with crab

Stewed assorted seafood

Steamed grouper

Fried lotus root with agarics and carrot

Plain-fried seasonal vegetables

2 kinds of Chinese dim sum

Fruit plate



Shanghai Food Meal Packages

For 6-8 people, original price RMB4004, current price RMB2980

6 kinds of cold dishes

Stewed sea cucumber with mushroom

Fried shrimp balls with pepper

Fruity small veal cubes

Asia roast duck

Australian ribs in teriyaki sauce

Special braised large meatball

Stewed chicken nuggets with assorted foods

Red soup omasum in casserole

Steamed yellow croaker with pickled cabbage

Plain-fried seasonal vegetables

2 kinds of Chinese dim sum

Fruit plate


For 8-10 people, original price RMB6324, current price RMB3980

8 kinds of cold dishes

Yellow croaker soup with pickled cabbage

Roast sea cucumber with scallion

Spiced shrimp balls with chili sauce and river shrimp meat

Steamed beef ribs rapped in lotus leaf

Cashew cod fillet with abalone mushroom

Asia roast duck

Fresh-stewed streaky pork with bamboo shoots in casserole

Fried black bean curd

Steamed bamboo shoots shell

Fried seasonal vegetables

2 kinds of Chinese dim sum

Fruit plate


For8-10 people, original price RMB12456, current price RMB5888

8 kinds of cold dishes

Braised shark fin, abalone and sea cucumber

Dry-roasted prawns

Special Heiba beef

Steamed cake stuffed with crab meat

Cashew cod fillet with abalone mushroom

Asia roast duck

Braised mutton in casserole

Fried shrimp balls with asparagus and lily

Steamed grouper

Fried cabbage heart with minced pumpkin

2 kinds of Chinese dim sum

Fruit plate


Notice for purchasing:

1. Valid from today to February 29, 2020;

2. Package prices are not shared with other discounts or vouchers;

3. Packages are available in Jinjiang Palace and Old Dock Restaurant;

4. Packages of RMB5688 and RMB5888 are available in private rooms;

5. Reservation hotline: 65007788 extension 6122 (Old Dock Restaurant), 6305 (Jinjiang Palace)

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