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发布时间:2019-03-18 16:29:35





Speaking of Beijing, people will think of climbing the Great Wall and eating roast duck. Roast duck culture has been deeply in people's mind.


Originated in China during the Southern and Northern Dynasties, Char Duck was recorded in "Food Records". In order to increase the flavor, chefs use charcoal fire, and that was named by the court "roast duck".


Asia Hotel roast duck is coming!


The traditional production process has been innovated and improved. All the material selection, baking and ingredients chosen are very particular, especially the baking process is very elegant. After the duck is put into the oven, it is necessary to regularly change the position of the duck with the stick, so that the duck is heated evenly and the whole body can be roasted. The roast duck has a plump appearance, bright red color, crispy skin, tender inside, mellow taste, beautiful but not greasy. Compared with the traditional roast duck, the fat content of duck skin is reduced from 50% to 30%, which is crispy and retains the moisture of the meat without the feeling of being hard and dry. Duck skin is very unique in taste, the real "crisp not greasy". Dipped in the white sugar cube with lower sweetness which is specially selected, it tastes rich in texture, refreshing with endless aftertaste.


Eating roast duck has certain subtlety. Slice it with sharp blade, spread on sweet bean sauce, add appropriate seasoning, like green segment, cucumber, white sugar, according to individual hobby. Still can add cucumber and green radish to eat according to the season different, to clear mouth and release grease.



预订详询:65007788 转 6122(老船坞餐厅)、6305(锦江府餐厅)

Reservation details: 65007788 to 6122 (Old Dock Restaurant), 6305 (Jin Jiang Palace)